General information about " The 5 Tibetan Rites " you find here.


" The 5 Tibetan Rites " are the most effective and save therapeutic exercises I personaly know. The are very easy to learn, they don't require much practicing time and feelable positive results come quickly.

Especially for people with physical ailments, such as back or joint problems, this exercise program is very usefull to start training again in a smooth, soft and save way at all physical levels.

( musculoskeletal system, respiratory system, cardiovascular system, hormone systems )

According to the individual situation of the participant, the exercises will be modified, so that no unwanted side effects occur.

Also, the " 5 Tibetan Rites " offer a great introduction into the world of yoga.



General information about Yoga you find here.


For those people who want to get in touch with the yoga world, I offer a yoga beginners course including " The sun salutation " , a dynamic series of postures ( Asanas ) that are harmoniously performed with the natural rhythm of breathing.

From a therapeutic perspective,only symptom free participants should register,as the performing of the Asanas requires a certain basic fitness.

In case of doubt, we will discuss the situation together.


Now some funny stuff: a very special yoga style...

Here some perfect yoga performance...

A good example for " The sun salutation "



( back to therapy services )

Mr. Corfu-Physios hands
...stärkt das Immunsystem!
...stärkt das Immunsystem!
...hilft anders zu handeln!
...hilft anders zu handeln!
...eine Frage die sich jeder gelegentlich mal in Ruhe beantworten sollte!
...eine Frage die sich jeder gelegentlich mal in Ruhe beantworten sollte!
Eine freie offene Initiative wandlungswilliger Menschen.
Eine freie offene Initiative wandlungswilliger Menschen.

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