When I personally first experienced a singing bowls treatment, I was surprised by the impressive effects that were triggered. As you can see in
the photograph, different singing bowls were systematically placed on my body then struck or rubbed. In addition to the acoustic stimuli I could perceive clearly the mechanical
vibrations moving like waves through my body (that explains the term 'sound massage' ).
This acoustic and mechanic sensation caused a complete loss of the feeling for time and space, and I found myself in a outer space-like world: weightless, toasty
warm, in silence, and aware of the infinite.
The most notable of this experience was the realisation, that paradoxically due to the sound of the singing bowls I became aware of the silence, which is the background of all audible. Also I became aware of the space, in which all material things exist. I started asking myself:
What connects you more with your essence? The things you hear or the silence behind it? The things you see or touch, or the space in which they appear?
The awareness of this silence and of this infinite space, represents a source of healing and inspiration for me; for all possible difficulties you could
probably have as a human being. :)
Of course I am not expecting that everyone makes the same experiences with a singing bowl treatment, but anyone who is curious now, is invited to try it!
I work with four high-quality nepalese singing bowls which are specially selected by the frequencies they create, and which are suitable for therapeutic work.