General information about Reflexology you find here.


For many people therapeutic work on their feet, whether symptom-oriented or generaly relaxing, is very successful and beneficial.

On the feet (as well as on the hands) you find nerve endings of all organ systems of the human body. Also the spine and all major joints of the body are represented here. The different reflexology zones of the foot can be stimulated or calmed down by applying several pressure techniques, according to the indication of the treatment.

Traditionally a disease-oriented treatment series including survey results, comprises at least six treatments within about 2-3 weeks.

Fortunately, we also have satisfying results in foot reflexology treatments which are constructed as general relaxation treatments.

Foot reflexology treatments are:


•extremely, incredibly beneficial, or only simply beneficial :)
•stress reducing,





"Anyone who loves his feet, loves him self!"






 ( back to therapy services )

Mr. Corfu-Physios hands
...stärkt das Immunsystem!
...stärkt das Immunsystem!
...hilft anders zu handeln!
...hilft anders zu handeln!
...eine Frage die sich jeder gelegentlich mal in Ruhe beantworten sollte!
...eine Frage die sich jeder gelegentlich mal in Ruhe beantworten sollte!
Eine freie offene Initiative wandlungswilliger Menschen.
Eine freie offene Initiative wandlungswilliger Menschen.

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